Jenshau has an extensive background with several government agencies. Jenshau provides training facilities, mobile communication shelters and does design build projects. Our company joined forces with the Department of Energy from the beginning of 2020 through the end of 2023 to design and build the world’s first mobile melt consolidation facility. The MMC is a collection of modules that work together to ensure safe and successful treatment of radioactive fuel, minimizing the presence of weapons-usable material in foreign countries. We were proud to be a part of the mobile shelter. It will forever change the way hazardous materials are handled and stored. The design/build was a great success and should go into service in 2024. We also provide mobile housing for emergencies due to war effort or natural disasters. Our mobile living quarters are set up for rapid deployment and can be returned to our plant for staging and any repairs or upgrades. Contact us today so we can help you get prepared for the next unexpected event.
- Space Force
- Department of Defense
- Department of Energy
- Department of Homeland Security
- Coastguard
- Law Enforcement
- Fire and Rescue
- Navy
- Army
- Marines
- Airforce